Vol. 47, No. 2 DECEMBER 2022

ISSN 2383 - 5338


성명(영문) 이창한 (Changhan Lee)
소속 아주대학교 생명과학과
E-mail leec@ajou.ac.kr
연구분야 미생물 유전 및 생리학, 단백질 항상성, 샤페론

약 력

2007 한국과학기술원 (KAIST) 생명과학과, B.S.
2012 한국과학기술원 (KAIST) 생명과학과, Ph.D.
2017 Karolinska Institute, Post-doctoral fellow
2020 University of Michigan/Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Post-doctoral fellow
2021-현재 아주대학교 생명과학과, 조교수


  1. Mirta, R., Wu, K., Lee, C., Bardwell, J. C. A. (2022) ATP-independent chaperones. Annu Rev Biophys., 9(51):409-429
  2. Kim, H., Wu, K., Lee, C. (2021) Stress-responsive periplasmic chaperones in bacteria. Front Mol Biosci., 11(8)678697
  3. Lee, C., Klockgether, J., Fischer, S., Trcek, J., Tummler, B. & Römling, U. (2020) Why? - Successful Pseudomonas aeruginosa clones with a focus on clone C. FEMS Microbiol Rev., 24;44(6):740-762.
  4. Lee, C., Betschinger, P., Wu, K., Zyla, D., Glockshuber, R. & Bardwell, J. C. A. (2020) A metabolite binding protein moonlights as a bile-responsive chaperone. EMBO J., 39(20):e104231
  5. Wu, K., Stull, F., Lee, C. & Bardwell, J. C. A. (2019) Protein folding while chaperone bound is dependent on weak interactions. Nat Commun., 10(1):4833 (F1000Prime recommended)
  6. Lee, C., Franke, K. B., Kim, H., Kamal, S. M., Lünsdorf, H., Jäger, J., Nimtz, M., Trček, J., Jänsch, L., Bukau, B., Mogk, A. & Römling, U. (2018) The stand-alone ClpG disaggregase confers superior heat tolerance to bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 115(2):E273-E282