2023년 진균유전생물학 컨퍼런스 - 프로그램

  • 작성일자

    2022-12-13 00:00
  • 조회수



2.23(목)스테이타워 중연회장 SPACE B
12:30 - 13:10Registration
13:10~13:20Opening Address
Plenary Lecture좌장: 반용선 교수 (연세대학교)
13:20 - 14:00채순기(배재대)The Task of Hypoxia Adaptation in Aspergillus
Session 01. Human/Animal Pathogenic Fungi 좌장: 이경태 교수 (전북대학교)
14:00-14:30박희수(경북대)SscA is a Key Transcription Factor for Conidiogenesis in Aspergilli 
14:30-14:45김유경(우석대)A Study on the Reduction of Aflatoxin by Using Aspergillus oryzae
14:45-15:00권순학(KAERI/연세대)Pleiotropic Roles of LAMMER Kinase, Lkh1 in Stress Responses and Virulence of Cryptococcus neoformans
15:00-15:15김지석(연세대)Comprehensive Insight into the Ras/cAMP/PKA Signaling Pathway in Candida auris
Session 02. Plant Pathogenic Fungi좌장: 손호경 교수 (서울대학교)
16:00-16:30박숙영(순천대)Distribution and Function of Members of the AVR-Pita Gene Family among Eight Clonal Lineages of Magnaporthe oryzae in the United States
16:30-16:50고요한(전북대)Functional Analysis of Essential Genes Using Heterokaryon
16:50-17:05최선규(전남대)CRISPR-based Genetic Manipulation of Aspergillus flavus for Studying Drug Resistance
17:05-17:20박지연(서울대)A Transcriptomic and Physiological Analysis Revealed the Adaptive Mechanisms toward Oxidative Stress in the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium graminearum
17:20-17:35노형진(단국대)Fungal Diversity Associated with Apple and Pear Seedlings and Canker Symtomatic Trees
Session 03. Fungal Biotechnology and Beyond좌장: 최재혁 교수 (인천대학교)
18:30-19:00손문일(부산대)Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A Sexy Yeast with a Prion Problem
19:00-19:20김신일(경상국립대)Investigation of the Aromatic Compound Metabolic Pathway in Cordyceps confragosa
19:20-19:40김 현(서울대)Mycobiome: Neglected Kingdom in the Microbiome Study
19:40-19:55Piyapat Rintarhat(중앙대)Analysis of Human Gut Mycobiome: Culturomics and Sequencing Approaches
20:00-21:00Group Photo & Poster & Mixer
09:00-12:00General Meeting & Group Discussion
12:00Closing Remark

